Monday, March 29, 2010

Defense Force and the Reduction of Crime

Crime is the cause and consequence of poverty. Singapore’s reduction of crime has been underway. Singapore has twelve times the population of Vancouver and has half its crime rate. “The crime rate in Singapore is 745 per 100,000.”3 “The women make up more than 10% of prison population in only six countries, one of which is Singapore.” 3 Since 1988, Singapore has been enjoying a decreasing crime rate for 9 consecutive years. In Singapore there are very harsh penalties for crime. The punishments for crimes such as drug trafficking, murder or kidnapping are usually sentenced to the death penalty and caning is performed on anyone that undergoes trial. “When armed militia controlled drug cultivation and production, crime syndicates traded guns for natural resources, and corrupt officials facilitated human trafficking.” 2 The final result could only be more poverty, greater instability and enormous suffering.

Singapore has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. “The low crime rate has been achieved by the combination of deterrence, enforcement and rehabilitation under a very effective criminal justice system. Deterrence is provided by tough laws, pushed by a strong executive and enacted by a very responsive legislature; a very robust and efficient world class court system; a police force also aspiring to be world class in its total policing capabilities, which includes at its bedrock, community policing in a strong, symbiotic partnership with the community it polices, strong enforcement by incorruptible officers and an austere but humane correctional system which aids rehabilitation whenever possible.”1 Governments, institutions, and civil society groups must ensure the causes of corruption are aggressively fought, including in the private sector. Keeping a strict enforcement of law has a large effect on the reduction of crime which in return has lasting effects on the elimination of poverty.

Connection of Poverty and Crime

History has proven that there is a direct link between crime and poverty. Poorer areas in a country are often the ones when most of crime originates or is committed. Through the combined influence of crime prevention and the absence of pressure from government corruption, many people do not have to resort to crime to make ends meet. Many other outlets are much more appealing than the hard hand of Singapore law and often is the road taken by its citizens. Many other countries many have problems with the authoritarian mantra that Singapore polices its citizens, but none can argue with the results.


  1. “Crime and Punishment in Singapore”. Pacific Rim Magazine. Web. 23, Mar. 2010.
  2. Crime Is both Cause, Consequence of Poverty, Third Committee Told as It Begins Discussion of Crime Prevention, International Drug Control”. United Nation Information Service. Web. 23, Mar. 2010.”
  3. “Facts and Figures”. Buy Singapore. Web. 23, Mar. 2010.
  4. “Singapore 2007 Crime & Safety Report”. Overseas Security Advisory Council. Web. 23, Mar. 2010.